On Wednesday night in St Mary's Limavady Sports hall over 30 underage coaches from the Limavady Wolfhounds club came together with Richard Ferris the Gaelic Games Develoment Officer for a Workshop on Planning and implentation a coaching structure for underage teams within their club. Firstly, Richard put Limavady U14s through a coaching session including a Warm Up, Mini Games, Skill Develoment tips, Coaching a Skill, team play games and a Cool Down. Then each team of coaches planned 2 coaching sessions for their teams which will be copied and passed onto all team coaches from U6-U18's. The Limavady Wolfhounds Youth Officer Ronan Curley is tasked with the job of carrying these session plans across to each coach from each squad or team.
Finaly all attentees watched a powerpoint presentation on the coaching structures and plans within Crossmaglen GAC in Armagh and how this has worked to gain success at all levels, titled "Success The Crossmaglen Way".
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