Tuesday 24 March 2009

Communication, Communication, Communication

As the title would suggest this post is about communication! We have run quite a few coaching events so far this season already and we are entering an extremely busy time of year. This year we will use the Teamer service to update coaches what's going on by sending them text messages. It is also of critical importance that when we send out an email it goes to the intended people.

I am updating my email circulation list. If you would like to receice emails from me about what's going on in coaching and games please send an email to ccollins@derry.gaa.ie to get on the circulation list. On the other hand if your on my list and would like to be removed from it send me an email to ask to remove your email address.

I will resend the club contact sheet for 2009, if your club has not completed the form please do so and return as it is very important for teams organising their Lynco Go Games.

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